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7 Things to never lie to your partner

Honesty isn't just the best policy, it's the only policy in relationships. I mean if you hold or hide things from your partner whom can you tell??
Honesty and understanding go hand in hand..
Here are 7 things to never lie to your partner.

1.Lie about attractions. .
A couple should never lie about growing attractions to someone else.
The more you keep your mouth shut about something like this, the more exciting it can seem. "Secrecy fuels passion,"
Most people don't think they would ever cheat, and most don't go out intending to have an affair," Chlipala says. "They end up setting up their own stage for an affair by not talking about their feelings in the first place.
Talking about the attraction brings reality to the issue, which can lead to more logical and responsible way of thinking," she says. "This then reduces the desire to act on the attraction.

 2.lie about feelings.
Nothing is worse than being madly in love with a partner who's lost that loving feeling." If you feel like this might've happened, talk about it. "Address problems as they happen, and work through them together

3.lie about love
if you're sure you love someone and enough time has passed that it is rational (and not just lust), say something. "When it comes to matters of the heart, the truth is invaluable," she says. "Pretending that you don't really care about someone, or that you couldn't care less if he or she stayed or went, will only backfire on you in the long run." Truth. "You'll never regret saying what you needed to say and revealing your true feelings, regardless of whether you get the response you wanted or not."
if you're sure you're just not that into someone you're dating, let them know and cut them loose. f you love your partner, say it. If you don't love your partner and truly know that you never will, eventually this needs to be revealed as well."

4.lie about big things
It might seem easier, especially at the beginning, to keep quiet about some of your larger issues, but, in a word, don't. "Anything that could put the other partner (or dependents) in harm's way" is not OK to lie about ex disease, financial etc
Lies are never good, and mistrust is a cancer." You'll know in your gut what needs to be divulged. "There are some lies that can cause harm to the other, and those are unacceptable." First, do no harm.

5.lie about the future
"You should never lie about your outlook for the future,"
It’s better to be honest here, and make sure you are on the same page about things like where you want to live, kids, education, religion and lifestyle, so that you make sure you are truly compatible as life partners,
Couples should never lie to each other about what they expect in or out of a relationship

6.lie about how u are doing
never lie about is how they feel, "So much about how you feel guides the manner in which your partner shows up, and, by extension, your interactions together. It's easy and habitual for us to say 'fine' or 'good,' and if that's not true, we live with one or two consequences." Hint: Neither are good. "Consequence one: Our partner knows we're not 'fine' or 'good,' and sees us as a liar, or sees the relationship as not strong enough to allow honesty,"

 7. Lie about cheating
Never lie about infidelity. .
 If you lie about this one, there is often no coming back from it. "Once your partner loses their trust and faith in you over infidelity, it is a very hard road to gain back their faith and trust." Of course, cheating in general is a form of lying, and even if you do come clean about it, you may lose your partner over it, so, by extension, don't cheat. If you cheat — whether you lie about it or not — they may never trust you again. But lying about cheating is doubly dangerous, and you may as well kiss your partner goodbye, even if you stay together for some time. After something like that, "in the back of their minds, your partner will always be asking themselves, 'Is he/she lying again, or is this the truth?'"

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