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Take riSKs

In order to achieve something great in life,you need to be ready to take some chances that might be quite hard, challenging and even fearful. Life is not that straight as we all want it to be.
Most of the times people know what they want and what they should do but they are always afraid of taking chances, putting their vulnerability on the line because of the outcomes that are unknown but also could turn to be very positive. They find it easy staying in their comfort zone, overestimate the question of "what could go wrong'' and exaggerate the consequences of what might happen if it goes wrong'' and then we miss the step.
Taking risks can give us a lot of benefits than we mostly think as follows,
  • Taking risks opens our minds to new challenges and new opportunities that we have always been eyeing and haven't taken a step to. For example i am very shy person and i really don't know how to speak publicly, infarct i can faint when told to give a public speech, but decided to take a risk in doing a talk show that could help me find away with my words when i speak to people.
  • Taking risks helps to establish and empower new limits in your mind. This means like going out of the small box you have created for yourself and creating new boundaries as well as new thinking that could improve your outlook of life, and ability to achieve on higher levels.
  • Taking risks can help improve your natural problem solving skills and open new ideas hence make a person be more creative as someone is willing to to try some new things that are quite risky.
  • Taking calculated risks can result into helping one define clearly what he/she wants in life as one takes a careful thought to determine the reward that will come of it when taking the chances.
Taking a risk sometimes just needs your instincts and trusting your gut, it requires blind trust as nothing is really guaranteed. And therefore whatever the reward is at least you took a step than wondering what could have been if you had done it. Also remember that the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. Just be bold enough to go for the things you want to have in life but with good calculations in your head. Calculate well.
I consider myself to be a risk taker, and i have taken quite a number of risks bravery,  whether things that have to do with my career, work, business, social life and etc, not all gave positive results, some turned to be life lessons and some paid off so well. And i am still so willing to take more risks when it comes to things i want in life, i never want to ever say "what if".

with love


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