Pambana na hali yako is one of the swahili phrase trending in Tanzania.
In English one would translate it as " cope with your situation" but in my own translation i would say "be brave to fight your life battles''
i am one among the people that have been using it so much, and just recently i watched a certain comic video by one of the famous Tanzanian comedian called "Mpoki"' . It made me sit down and think for the first time, what does "pambana na hali yako" really means to an individual?to me?
Well i got five thoughtful things
- It means that one must be willing to endure, persist and solve the puzzles that life gives him/her, one must manage everything that life throws at them.
- One must stay strong for him/her self and for the people that depend on him/her given any hardship, challenge.
- One must be hopeful as long as s/he is still breathing. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how long it takes.
- One must be open to change for the better when things change, don't be stagnant and dormant when you are supposed to be active, and moving.
- One must strive to do the best everyday in everything they do to improve their life and to those around them.
So lets get out there and "pambana na hali zetu".
with love
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