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My views on the cryptocurrency world

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A friend of mine mentioned to me something about cryptocurrency thing two years ago and i really never paid attention to it, mostly because i thought about the money theft and hacking things to do with internet.
Then another friend of mine in Philippines told me again about this topic of cryptocurrency and how it is beginning to rock the world of money and investment, and i decided to give it my attention and start learning about it, just the basics of where to buy the coins,how to store them, how to sell and the charges involved, the types of them (bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum,zcash etc), their values, which one is leading, dropping, the knowledge of mining, renting and etc. It is basically a lot of information that one needs to really know what they are doing before investing.
Watched alot of youtube videos explaining this concept of investment, and the wow! factor was that the value of investment is growing like a little too much and faster someone invested around $200 on bitcoins in 2013 and now worthy about $8000.
So there were alot of questions in my head, like how is this?what is this? is it the same drive that happens with the stock rise and fall, is it going to be the same game?
Then i discovered a few things, in summary; the cryptocurrency is one way to get out of the banking system, and the only explanation behind this concept is that of the movement or " evolvement" of money, before money there was barter trade, then we had gold as the medium of exchange, then we had money and now money is going digital. But then the only person that gives value to this movement is none other than people, because the only thing something can have value is when we put value on it and when we put faith on it.
When we look on the case of bitcoin, it was made with a cap(a limit or restriction) of $21m, to mean that it will be scarce over time as the limits will be nearing to the end, and so its value becomes more as many people exchange money to bitcoin, and if many stores begin accepting it as a medium of exchange and this will continue until it reaches the time when it will stabilize .That only means that as people invest now there is a great possibility of having high returns but also a big risk of losing money if people have no faith it it or says something negative about it making the value to go down at any time.
this looks like a hell of jackpot but well where there is a great opportunity there also seems to be negative forces surrounding it.
Several religious ethics come in place to give opinions about how this is interpreted in the Holy book(The Bible ), focusing on the book of Daniel and  Revelation (talking about the beginning of the  new world order- of the where the world is being prepared for a one world government, with one world currency and one world religion). This one world government a philosophy, propagated by Satan and advocated by those who serve him-(the illuminati/Freemasons, who control all the world governments, industries and organisations(film,stage,music, fashion,stock markets,real estate,literature and etc)
Well, am still educating myself more on this crypto world but also paying attention to the religious contradiction. My simple advice to anyone out there who wants to jump in and give all in is to search for more information, understand well all its about, pay attention to this contradictions and do not be carried by the fear of missing out and thinking that you are wasting time. Better prevent the sorry before you jump in.

with lots of love

 china blocked it..


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