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life's challenges=life blessing's


The look u give when writing this..
we all go through it at some point in life, it may because of losing someone dear through death, or a break up, or finding out about lies, or even anything that brings emotional pain. Yes am talking about the pain which is invisible. The pain that is deep within us, the one that has no medicine, or can i say pain killers. The one that you have to go through it emotionally but causes everything in you to not function well.
Life is full of changes, challenges and disappointments, yet all of these challenges can turn out to be blessings that “give birth” to a new life. Our challenges, obstacle and setbacks, are all “teachable moments” and a part of our life's processes; because if we’re not growing, we’re dying!  Out of that painful process, we become more grounded, enlightened and our vision comes into focus.
We may not understand the purpose of the pain we are experiencing during this process, but it may serve an opposite purpose; not necessarily to hurt us, but to help us get out of one space that no longer serves us… to a better space!
The definition of life is: “the ability to grow, change, etc., which distinguishes plants and animals from things like water or rocks; the period of time when a person is alive: the experience of being alive.”

Once we are born, we live. Over the cycle of our lives, we are constantly given a “new life” at various stages. We use the term so freely and yet forget that the word “life” is so much more than a noun..It’s a process. We get comfortable in our current “space” which can be a relationship, a job and friendships, etc.  Those “spaces” can become tight, restrictive and begin to smother us. They no longer serve us and we are unable to expand to our full potential, we're stifled; yet we know that there has to be more “room”/ opportunity for us outside the current space we are in. Ultimately, that un-serving “space”  begins to push us towards something greater.

Going through the dark canal/ process of change may be scary and hurtful; we will cry and scream- and be mentally unsettled. Getting through this will leave you bruised and worn-out emotionally; you literally will  have to “fight” to get out to the other end. Rest assured, you will come out if you never give up, because staying in that space is not an option; God built a resilient spirit enough to carry us through such tough times.

So when the pains of life force you to move on, don’t fret. Know that bigger and better things are in store for you!
Happy Saturday


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