So it is 1St December and am sitting thinking about life. Am thinking about why i am Alive today. I am also doing a self check for 2015, like the things i had planned to achieve this year and how far i have gone with them. the funny thing that makes me laugh is how the months went so fast without my notice, so today as December approaches am like "wow, December is here and i have not finished that, that and thaaaat" and somehow feel like freaking out but then i got to listen to what am gonna write today for anyone outside there going same thing as me.
Here we go!!!
The most important thing that is happening in your life right now is that you are ALIVE., Nothing else..Not your promotion at work, not your love affair or not the best deal you got at the market.
Suppose later on today you lost half of your wealth, or your partner decides to break up or end your relationship and your mind says "death is the only good option now", try this, close your mouth and nose for two minutes, believe me your body will respond saying "to hell with your loss, I WANT TO LIVE"
Everytime you feel down, depressed and wanting to give up on life, JUST CHECK, the LIFE within you says "to hell with all this things, I WANT TO LIVE"
The most importatnt thing that is happening to you right now is "LIFE ITSELF", IT IS NOT ABOUT THE EMOTIONS THAT YOU HAVE, NOT THE FANCY THINGS THAT YOU HAVE, NOT FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS OR FAMILY ARRANGEMENTS OR WHATEVER RUBBISH YOU HAVE BUILT ALL AROUND YOU, these are all accessories to life, that confuse you to forget about the most fundamental things.
Right now to most of the people Life means their job, life means the business deals, life means their wife/husband, life means their new house, car or etc.
" NO"
LIFE MEANS WHAT IS THROBNG WITHIN YOU., Not your emotions, thoughts, body or etc but what is throbing within you,giving you life,because when that is on everything else seams to be meaningful if that one stops nothing around you makes sense or meaningful to you or anybody.
This also means that happyness is not outside of you but within you. imagine tomorrow was the last day of your life, would you not do all the things you value in your life?would you not be the best person ever known?
No one loves dying, but we all want to live. All we need to do is to value every single moment we live, embrance life and worry about nothing because nothing else matters than to live, when we die nothing else will make sense.
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