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My 2015 Review and hope for 2016

I completely dont know what to write, its because I have so much to write yet I have no words to describe my points..
but well
2015 has been really a challenging year for me..
2015 did not go like exactly I wanted it to go.
A lot of things have happened, I made alot of big decisions that have made a big difference in my life..(and I really don't regret any)
I have cried.
I have laughed
I have been hurt
I have hurt
Most of what I had planned to do n cover in 2015 was not touched at all
Instead my life took a different path completely and things happened so differently..
I have wanted so many things and I didn't get them..
I prayed for so much but most of what i prayed for God answered differently.
There is a moment where I sat down asked God(why).
At some point I lost my faith and I lost myself in the process..

I spent my half of 2015 not making any inflows (its so depressing when u become a dependent when once u were independent)BUT learning very important lessons in life..(humbleness,gentleness,patience,sacrifice,self love, self reflection,trust, caring...)am so glad I did.
Today as i look back,akati tunamaliza 2014 nilidhani nimekua na kupevuka vya kutosha lakini  sasa ndo nagundua everyday..I mean each passing day is a lesson to learn..and hakuna anayejua kila kitu na hakuna ambaye hakosei..
We are not perfect all we can do is be more careful in what we choose, in who we trust and always think before you say or do something.
Kuna ambao nimewakosea sana in 2015 na hata kama sikuwaomba msamaha kila mtu ila wajue tu kua I recognized what I did na ninajirekebisha.
I have learnt to take responsibility for my mistakes..admit when am wrong n saying the truth no matter how ugly it is...
When I sit down and think about all this all I can say is that I am grateful for everything..
Am grateful for the way God made a turn around and took control of my life..denying me some things that I wanted when i look back am so glad that sikupata..
Am so grateful for the times that I have cried, for after that I am smiling now..
I am so glad for the closed doors as from them I have learnt how to use the opened windows
I am so glad for the pains as they have given me scars that remind me not to make same mistakes.
I am not even half way of the woman I want to become..I have so many dreams to achieve..nahisi ninadaiwa sana na jamii for what I have not done yet...
..I want to be a doer and an advocate of self love.

 I have also learned that God Is in control n that not everything we plan to do is best for us, sometimes he bends our plans to fit in his plans for us..

So my 2016 is a start from zero..afresh!!I look forward for a happy 2016..
What about you, have you done your reflection and review???


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