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Lessons from the wilderness

A wilderness is considered to be the most inhospitable region/ a position of disfavor.
Every person at a point in life experiences a "wilderness experience" (a tough time which endures discomfort  and trials, it can be emotional drought, spiritual or even financial drought).
For Christians, there are several biblical examples of people enduring a "wilderness experience", . The people of Israel experienced a wilderness throughout their journey to the promised land and many other examples.
Most of us are goal oriented people and we tend to believe that once we settle on a goal, a laser -like focus on it is the best way to reach it, if we block all the distractions around us, then most def
initely we are to arrive to the promised land we have been dreaming of.
That's not exactly how life goes.
Money is lost, it gets tight, family members get sick, jobs get downsized,houses get burnt, families separate, relationships break and any other things that come along the way. The journey to the promised land is just not straight and simple as we think it will or would be. The sum of all this is what we call "the wilderness"
The truth is we spend much more time wandering in the wilderness than living in the promised land.
The wilderness has most importantly three lessons that we can learn from as follows;

  1. The wilderness is a scary place, that you may never know what may come around the bend, so the first lesson we learn is that we don't have complete control of our lives. (so don't invest too much time and energy decrying how the world is unfair, and that we deserve whatever it is that we are hoping to get.). Life can be hard, learn to accept that (Acceptance simply means that we have come around to willingness to see things as they actually are,), Do not expect the world to revolve around u. we can discover the myriad ways in which we can make a difference and be close and invest our energy in those tasks.
  2. the second lesson;Its is fun and important to explore uncharted territory. makes us move from our comfort zones, to learn and grow.  we need to be open to new experiences, discover new paths to take, and see where life will take us, and for Christians to trust God more and be close to him. Our brains are opened and able to respond to new circumstances and create new responses.
  3. The third lesson; the most of important goals we strive for are the ones that can never actually be reached, life is truly lived in the day to day striving for those goals, will never know if those goals are reached , but can try to make sure we are on the path.
As in indeed , the Israelites wandered for 40 years, a whole generation dies out,they struggle, they rebel, and finally arrive at their destination of the promised land. What a lesson for us to be reminded that we should keep moving and hoping that we can learn and grow a little bit along the way.

With love.


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